Scherzer Blog

Colorado joins list of states that restrict credit report use for employment

Although the FCRA allows employers to consider credit reports for employment purposes, state laws that are more protective of employee rights trump the federal law. Eight states (California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Oregon, Vermont and Washington) and at least one locality, the City of Chicago, limit the employers’ consideration of credit history in personnel decisions. And Colorado was just added to this list with its   S.B. 18 that was signed into law on April 19, 2013. Aggressive legislative efforts are likely to continue. The most restrictive bill yet is pending before the New York City Council. It would prohibit employers from using credit reports in hiring except in few instances where such checks are required by law.

Do you know about the Right to Know Act?

The recently introduced “Right to Know Act of 2013” (Assembly Bill 1291), would require any business that retains or shares personal information of California residents to provide, at no charge and within 30 days of receiving a request from the subject, all information retained about him/her, as well as the names and contact information for all third parties to whom that business has disclosed the information within the last 12 months. This legislation is a significant expansion of the rights provided under California’s 2003 Shine the Light law, which this bill would repeal.

Ponzi and pyramid schemes top SEC’s closed complaints list in fiscal year 2012

During fiscal year 2012, the SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy closed 29,291 files relating to complaints, questions, and other issues received from investors, a decrease of 4,341 files compared to FY 2011.  Complaints related to Ponzi and pyramid schemes were up 1,328%. A footnote to the data states that “the vast majority of these complaints related to a particular highly publicized SEC enforcement action.” Complaints related to specific market events were up 565% which too had a footnote. In this case, the vast majority of the complaints related to a particular highly publicized initial public offering…

Most service providers are not subject to Red Flags Rule

The Federal Trade Commission (the “FTC”) interim final rule which became effective February 11, 2013 confirms that most service providers are not subject to the Red Flags Rule. The rule clarifies the meaning of “creditor” ensuring that its definition is consistent with the revised definition of that term in the amended Fair Credit Reporting Act (the “FCRA”). A “creditor” must develop and implement a written identity theft prevention program premised on identifying “red flags” of identity theft only if in the ordinary course of business, the “creditor” regularly: 1) obtains or uses consumer reports in connection with a credit transaction; 2) furnishes information to consumer reporting agencies in connection with a credit transaction; or 3) advances funds to or on behalf of a person, in certain cases.

However, any entity collecting consumer data must remain vigilant in how it collects, uses and safeguards that data. The FTC may pursue enforcement actions under the FTC Act when a company does not take reasonable privacy protection measures scaled to the risk level of their business practices.

Proposed New Jersey bills restrict use of criminal records in employment decisions

In February 2013, identical bills aimed at reducing employment discrimination against individuals with criminal histories were introduced in the New Jersey Senate (S2586) and the New Jersey Assembly (A3837). Both bills propose the adoption of the Opportunity to Compete Act (the “Act”) which would impose multiple restrictions and requirements on employers in connection with seeking and using criminal background information about job applicants. If the Act is adopted, New Jersey will join a growing list of states, cities, and localities which have passed similar anti-discrimination legislation.

Congress questions legality of “The Work Number” operated by Equifax

Seven members of Congress wrote a letter last month to Equifax asking for more information about its employment verification subsidiary, The Work Number, which according to a statement made by Jackie Speier (D-California), “appears to have operated under the radar, with little public awareness of the vast trove of

[payroll and other] sensitive data it was gathering.”  Speier asserted that “Equifax needs to explain exactly how it is using this data, and provide evidence that The Work Number does not pose a threat to the privacy of 190 million Americans.”

While companies say that they sign up with The Work Number because it gives them a convenient way to outsource employment verifications, the seven members of Congress are disturbed by the fact that “… this massive database appears to generate revenue using consumers’ sensitive personal information for profit.”

Revamped Form 1-9 makes its debut

On March 8, 2013, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (the “USCIS”) announced that its newly revised Form I-9 is to be used immediately. Notably, as indicated in the Federal Register, the USCIS granted companies until May 7, 2013 to implement the new form, which purportedly has been designed to minimize completion errors. This 60-day grace period allows employers time to adjust their human resource processes, and modify their software. The USCIS has also updated its “Handbook for Employers – Guidance for Completing the Form I-9” (3.8.13 version) to correspond to the new form, and is holding webinars to educate companies in the form’s usage.

The USCIS noted that employers do not need to complete the new form for employees for whom they already have a proper Form I–9 on file, unless re-verification applies. Unnecessary verification may violate the anti-discrimination provision of section 274B of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1324b, which is enforced by the DOJ’s Office of Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices.

Final “bad actor” disqualification ruling long overdue

Over two years ago, Section 926 of the Dodd-Frank Act called for the SEC to impose “bad actor disqualification”(sometimes referred to as “bad boy disqualification”) on Rule 506 private placements. Under the proposed rule, which is long overdue, an issuer may not rely on Rule 506 exemptionfrom registration if certain individuals or entities associated with the offering have a disqualifying event in their past, such as a violation of securities law, state regulatory order or bar, or similar infraction.

Further, the JOBS Act, enacted last year, provided for the SEC to amend Rule 506 to lift the ban on general solicitation. This rulemaking is also past due, and anxious onlookers speculate that these changes to Rule 506 will get finalized at the same time. While there have been many comments to modify some of the rule’s overbroad applications, it is uncertain if the suggested changes will happen.

Notably, there is an important exception to the disqualification provisions. If an issuer exercises “reasonable care” in making a factual inquiry but is unable to uncover the disqualifying events despite having conducted the requisite due diligence, it will not necessarily lose the ability to rely on Rule 506. Although the proposed rules do not provide bright-line tests for establishing due diligence, they clearly point that the issuer has a duty to make a factual inquiry into the existence of disqualifying events. And depending on the circumstances, representations in agreements and questionnaires may not be adequate.  Searching public databases also may be required, and possibly “further steps” which have yet to be defined.

SI understands that the bad boy disqualifiers can stop an offering in its tracks immediately upon the final rule’s adoption. And no matter what the transaction, no one wants to be involved with a “bad boy.” For over a year, our proactive approach has been to include comprehensive searches of the disqualifying event elements in higher level background reports as a value-add. The very real risk that issuers could lose the Rule 506 exemption due to facts of which they are not even aware illustrates the power of effective and thorough due diligence.

13 Things to Know About Investing

The Securities & Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) recently released an educational bulletin to help investors make informed financial decisions and avoid common scams. Its 13 points include:

  1. Check the investment professional’s background.
    Details about experience and qualifications are available through the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website and FINRA BrokerCheck.
  2. Be mindful of fees associated with buying, owning, and selling an investment product.
    Expenses vary from product to product, and even small differences in these costs can translate into large differences in earnings over time. An investment with high costs must perform better than a low-cost investment to generate the same returns.
  3. Diversification can help reduce the overall risk of an investment portfolio.
    By picking the right mix, you may be able to limit losses and reduce the fluctuations of investment returns without sacrificing too much in potential gains. Some investors find that it is easier to achieve diversification through ownership of mutual funds or exchange-traded funds rather than through ownership of individual stocks or bonds.
  4. Paying off high-interest debt may be the best “investment” strategy.
    Few investments pay off as well as, or with less risk than, eliminating high-interest debt on credit cards or other loans.
  5. Promises of high returns, with little or no associated risk, are classic warning signs of fraud.
    Every investment carries some degree of risk and the potential for greater returns comes with greater risk. Ignore the so-called “can’t miss” investment opportunities or those promising guaranteed returns or, better yet, report them to the SEC.
  6. Any offer or sale of securities must be either registered with the SEC or exempt from registration.
    Otherwise, it is illegal. Registration is important because it provides investors with access to key information about the company’s management, products, services, and finances.
  7. Do not invest in a company about which little or no information is publicly available.
    Always check whether an offering is registered with the SEC by using the SEC’s EDGAR database or contacting the SEC’s toll-free investor assistance line at (800) 732-0330.
  8. Investing heavily in shares of any individual stock can be risky.
    In particular, think twice before investing heavily in shares of your employer’s stock. If the value declines significantly, or the company goes bankrupt, you may lose money and there’s a chance you might lose your job, too.
  9. Active trading and some other common investing behaviors actually undermine investment performance.
    According to researchers, other common investing mistakes include focusing on past performance, favoring investments from your own country, region, state or company, and holding on to losing investments for too long and selling winning investments too soon.
  10. Con-artists are experts at the art of persuasion, often using a variety of influence tactics tailored to the vulnerabilities of their victims.
    Common tactics include phantom riches (dangling the prospect of wealth, enticing with something you want but can’t have), source credibility (trying to build credibility by claiming to be with a reputable firm or to have a special credential or experience), social consensus (leading you to believe that other savvy investors have already invested), reciprocity (offering to do a small favor for you in return for a big favor) and scarcity (creating a false sense of urgency by claiming limited supply).
  11. Some investments provide tax advantages.
    For example, employer-sponsored retirement plans and individual retirement accounts generally provide tax advantages for retirement savings, and 529 college savings plans also offer tax benefits.
  12. Mutual funds, like other investments, are not guaranteed or insured by the FDIC or any other government agency.
    This is true even if you buy through a bank and the fund carries the bank’s name.
  13. The key to avoiding investment fraud is using independent information to evaluate financial opportunities.
    Many investors may have avoided trouble and losses if they had asked questions from the start and verified the answers with sources outside of their family, community, or group. Whether checking the background of an investment professional, researching an investment, or learning about new products or scams, unbiased information is a significant advantage for investing wisely. 

CFPB’s takeover of FCRA enforcement requires new notices by January 1, 2013

In July 2012, the newly-created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act assumed rulemaking and enforcement authority of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”) from the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”).

Although more changes are likely to come, beginning January 1, 2013, businesses, including employers, and consumer reporting agencies, will be required to provide a new version of the “Summary of Rights” form to individuals before taking any adverse action based on the contents of a consumer report. Notably, the adverse action process that must be followed under the FCRA has not changed; the revisions are generally stylistic and substitute “CFPB” for references to the FTC. There is also an updated and expanded list of contacts included at the end of the form.

To download the PDF versions of the updated Summary of Rights, and forms regarding the obligations of users and furnishers of consumer reports, click on the links below.

Summary of Rights under the FCRA.pdf

Obligations of Users of Consumer Reports under the FCRA.pdf

Obligations of Furnishers of Consumer Reports.pdf

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