Scherzer Blog

State and local laws for employment-related protection to ex-offenders continue to grow

A new Indiana law (House Enrolled Act 1482) that prohibits employers from asking about or otherwise considering expunged or sealed arrest and conviction records goes into effect July 1, 2013.  And a similar North Carolina law (SB 91) takes effect December 1, 2013.

The City of Buffalo too is giving ex-offenders increased employment opportunities with its May 28, 2013 ordinance which amends Chapter 154 of the Code of the City of Buffalo by prohibiting public and private employers and city vendors from asking job candidates about their criminal conviction history during the application process and prior to the first interview. And a new “ban the box” ordinance has been unanimously adopted in Seattle on June 10, 2013 that will give ex-offenders special rights in the job application process. Seattle’s Council Bill 117796 provides for administrative enforcement but affords no private right of action.

Indiana and North Carolina, and Buffalo and Seattle, are just the latest additions to the fast growing list of states and municipalities that regulate the use of criminal records in employment decisions. And pending before Congress is the federal HR 6220 or “Ban the Box Act” introduced last July, which similar to these state and local laws, would make it illegal for an employer to ask about criminal history in an interview or on an employment application.

New Texas law limits negligent hiring and negligent supervision suits against employers

Rather than denying employers access to potentially consequential information about a candidate’s criminal past, a new Texas law is striving to curb lawsuits against employers. Signed into law on June 14, 2013 and effective September 1, 2013, HB 1188 amends the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code to prohibit most causes of action “against an employer, general contractor, premises owner, or other third-party solely for negligently hiring or failing to adequately supervise an employee, based on evidence that the employee has been convicted of an offense.”

Notably, the statute provides exceptions that allow claims if the employer knew or should have known its employee was convicted of: (1) an offense “that was committed while performing duties substantially similar to those reasonably expected to be performed in the employment, or under conditions substantially similar to those reasonably expected to be encountered in the employment;” (2) a sexually violent offense; or (3) certain offenses specified in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 42.12- Section 3g including but not limited to murder, indecency with a child, aggravated kidnapping, aggravated sexual assault, and aggravated robbery.

The protections under this statute do not apply in actions “concerning the misuse of funds or property of a person other than the employer, general contractor, premises owner, or third party by an employee if, on the date the employee was hired, the employee had been convicted of a crime that includes fraud or the misuse of funds or property as an element of the offense, and it was foreseeable that the position for which the employee was hired would involve discharging a fiduciary responsibility in the management of funds or property.”

CFPB’s database is now searchable by state and includes complaints about credit reporting

On May 31, 2013 the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) announced that its Consumer Complaint Database, now searchable by state, has been expanded to include credit reporting and money transfer complaints. In addition to these two new categories, the database, which can be accessed at, includes complaints relating to credit cards, mortgages, student loans, bank accounts and services, and consumer loans.

When submitting a complaint about credit reporting, consumers can select from five common issues, which are all searchable on the updated database: incorrect information on a credit report; problems with a credit reporting agency’s investigation; improper use of a credit report; not being able to get a credit report or credit score; and problems with credit monitoring or identity protection services.

EEOC files suits against two employers for use of criminal background checks

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (the “EEOC”) announced on June 11, 2013 that it filed lawsuits against two large employers accusing them of using criminal background checks to illegally discriminate against African American workers. The EEOC alleged that the companies, by requiring contracted employees and prospective employees to submit to criminal background checks, violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964’s prohibition against race discrimination.

“Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination against job applicants and employees on account of their race,” said EEOC Chair Jacqueline A. Berrien.  “Since issuing its first written policy guidance in the 1980s regarding the use of arrest and conviction records in employment decisions, the EEOC has advised employers that under certain circumstances, their use of that information to deny employment opportunities could be at odds with Title VII.”  The EEOC issued updated enforcement guidance on employer use of arrest and conviction records in April 2012.

Nevada is the latest state to restrict employment-purpose credit reports

On May 25, 2013, SB 127 was signed into law adding Nevada to the fast-growing list of states that restrict employment-purpose credit reports.  Nevada’s new law, which goes into effect October 1, 2013, follows closely the recently enacted legislation in Colorado.  Eight other states (California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Oregon, Vermont and Washington) have similar laws that limit the employers’ use of credit history in personnel decisions.  Aggressive legislative efforts are likely to continue, as Florida, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania are considering similar legislation. But the most restrictive bill yet is pending before the New York City Council. It would prohibit employers from using credit reports in hiring except in few instances where such checks are required by law.

Minnesota becomes the latest state to restrict employment criminal checks

On May 13, 2012, Minnesota became the latest state to restrict criminal background checks for employment purposes with its Criminal Background Check Act  (S.F. No. 523). Under the new law, which will go into effect on January 1, 2014, public and private employers may not inquire about, consider or require disclosure of an applicant’s criminal history until after the applicant has been granted an interview or before a conditional offer of employment is made. Since 2009, Minnesota law prohibited only public employers from asking about criminal records on job applications.

According to a report from the National Employment Law Project (the “NELP”) dated in April 2013, six states and 50 localities have adopted “Ban the Box” legislation.  And pending before Congress is the federal HR 6220 or “Ban the Box Act” introduced last July by Representative Hansen Clarke (D-MI-13) which similar to these state and local laws, would make it illegal for an employer to ask about criminal history in an interview or on an employment application.

FTC says data brokers willing to sell consumer information and disregard FCRA

On May 7, 2013, the Federal Trade Commission (the “FTC”) announced the results of its testing operation, revealing that 10 companies out of the 45 that the FTC approached seemed to be willing to sell consumer information without complying with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA.”) The FTC reported that its staffers asked the companies about buying the information for purposes such as determining creditworthiness, suitability for employment or eligibility for insurance.

Six of the 10 companies appeared willing to sell consumer information for employment purposes, two for insurance decisions and two for pre-screened lists of consumers to use in making firm offers of credit. The data brokers were contacted again by the FTC, but this time in the form of letters, warning that their practices may violate the FCRA. The warning letters are part of an ongoing international effort spearheaded by the Global Privacy Law Enforcement Network, an informal group of consumer protection and privacy agencies. 

CFPB’s expanded complaint database goes live

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (the “CFPB”) announced that the nation’s largest database of federal consumer financial complaints is live and open for public viewing.

The CFPB’s recent launch significantly expands the Consumer Complaint Database from about 19,000 credit card complaints in 2012 to more than 90,000 complaints on mortgages, student loans, bank accounts and services, other consumer loans, and credit cards. It also includes product sub-categories, such as reverse mortgages, conventional fixed mortgages and adjustable mortgages, and home equity loans or lines of credit. Complaints are entered only after the company provides a response or after it has had the complaint for 15 days, whichever comes first. The CFPB states that while the allegations in the complaints are not verified, a commercial relationship between the consumer and the company is substantiated before the complaint is added to the database.

According to the CFPB, the database now has more than one million data points covering approximately 450 companies, and includes information such as the type of complaint, date of submission, consumer’s ZIP code, and the company’s name. The database also provides information about the actions taken on the complaint, i.e., whether the company’s response was timely, how the company responded, and whether the consumer disputed the response.

To file a complaint with the CFPB, consumers can:>

  • File online at;
  • Call 1-855-411-CFPB (2372) or TTY/TDD phone number at 1-855-729-CFPB (2372);
  • Fax to: (855) 237-2392; or
  • Mail to: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, P.O. Box 4503, Iowa City, IA 52244.
  • SEC and CFTC issue final identity theft rules to protect investors

    On April 10, 2013, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (the “CFTC”) issued joint Identity Theft Red Flags Rules requiring broker-dealers, mutual funds, investment advisers, and certain other entities to adopt programs to detect red flags and prevent identity theft. Notably, certain state laws may also require the adoption of similar guidelines.

    Additionally, entities that retain service providers must ensure that the providers conduct their activities in accordance with reasonable policies and procedures designed to detect, prevent and mitigate the risk of identity theft. A financial institution may be found in violation of the Rules if it fails to exercise appropriate and effective oversight over the engagement.

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